Tipologia di corso
Summer/Winter School
Modalità di accesso
July 15th - July 19th 2024
Struttura proponente

Descrizione del corso

Since 2003, the Interuniversity Research Centre for Comparative Law organizes annually a Summer School in Comparative Law, with classes given in English by Italian and foreign professors.

Over the years the Summer School has been focusing on both general topics and monographic themes.

The project also sets itself the task of offering to undergraduate students, PhD students as well as to professionals an opportunity to reflect on issues related to intercultural dialogue.

In organizing the Summer School we collaborated with Baton Rouge Louisiana State University (Louisiana-USA), the William S. Boyd School of Law (Nevada), the University of California at Davis - Law School and currently the Universities of Aix-Marseille, Utrecht and Opole.

Anno Accademico: 2023/2024

Cosa ti occorre sapere

The Department of Law, Economics and Cultures in collaboration with the Universities of Aix-Marseille, Utrecht and Opole presents the 18th edition of the SUMMER SCHOOL IN COMPARATIVE LAW to be held:

from July 15th to July 19th 2024

at the Saint Abbondio’s Cloister, University of Insubria, Como  (Room S.2.6)

This intensive, one-week program provides a unique opportunity law students, law graduates and legal professionals to study environmental law by examining and comparing different environmental law policies and regulatory regimes.

Classes are taught in English.

For support in finding accommodation, please contact [email protected] 


Application deadline: June 24th, 2024

Please complete the online form.

The fee includes light lunches and the social dinner of the course on Thursday, July 18. 
The fee amounts to 300€, but it is discounted to 150€ for students affiliated with the University of Insubria, Partner Universities (Opole, Aix-Marseille, Utrecht), or the national PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change"

The fee shall be paid through PagoPA. You will find the link to PagoPA at the end of the Application Form. 

Once you register on PagoPA, you will receive an email with the link to proceed with the payment

In the form you will have to insert your personal details, the payment amount and the following information:

As “causale- payment type” select “Convegni/seminari/corsi di perfezionamento – Conferences/seminars/master classes”
As “causale versamento- payment purpose” write “Summer school in comparative law 2024”
As “structure -office/department” select “Dipartimento di diritto, economia e culture – Deparment of Law, economics and cultures”

Once you have completed the form, you will have first to click on “Verifica dati – check data” and then on “Paga – Pay” to be directed to the payment plaform, where you have to click on “PAGA ON LINE” and then either “SPID” or “entra con la tua email” (enter with your email), tick on “accetto la privacy policy” (accept the privacy policy) and select the means of payment.

After payment, in order to confirm registration please send a copy of the payment receipt to [email protected]   at the latest on the 24th of June 2024


Attending Italian students passing the final exam will be awarded 5 ECTS.

Per informazioni